X11 - X11 plotting device
The widget hierarchy for the Maple 2 and 3 dimensional plotting applications is stored in the appropriate resource file in the X11_defaults sub-directory of the Maple installation.
2-D Mouse Actions: The default bindings of the mouse buttons for the 2-D plot window result in the following actions.
Print coordinates if possible
Printing of coordinates is unavailable when the axes labels are not derived from the data values (for example, infinity and log plots).
3-D Mouse Actions: The default bindings of the mouse buttons for the 2-D plot window result in the following actions.
Start rotations
Redraw, end rotations
The rotate actions are not available if the PLOT3D structure is an animation with orientation information in every frame because changing the top level orientation has no effect on these animations.
Animations: There are two methods of running an animation. The first draws each frame into a distinct buffer on the graphics device and then tells the device to rotate through the buffers. This method is fast and provides an even speed but it requires more memory than many devices have. The second method only requires two buffers. It draws into the second buffer while the first is being displayed and then flips the roles of the two buffers. This method uses much less server memory than the first but the speed of the animation is changed by the image complexity. The X11 resource "fastanimate" controls which of the two methods of animation are used by the graphics window. By default, the two buffer method is used for 2d plotting and the multiple buffer method is used for 3d plots.
Note that the x11 driver is not supported on Macintosh(R) or from the Standard worksheet interface.