CodeTools[Profiling][UnProfile] - stop collecting profiling information
Calling Sequence
UnProfile(proc1, proc2, ...)
proc1, proc2, ...
(optional) procedure to stop profiling
The UnProfile() command stops collecting profiling data for all named procedures.
The UnProfile(proc1, proc2, ...) command stops collecting profiling data for the specified procedures.
The UnProfile function does not effect a procedure that is not currently being profiled.
Turning off profiling deletes the internal rtable that stores the profiling data for a procedure. This rtable can be obtained by using the GetProfileTable function before calling UnProfile. The Profile function accepts an rtable along with the procedure to reset the internal rtable.
a := proc(x)
if (x > 1) then
return 1;
return 0;
end if;
end proc:
| (1) |
| (2) |
a := proc(x)
|Calls Seconds Words|
PROC | 2 0.000 6|
1 | 2 0.000 6| if 1 < x then
2 | 1 0.000 0| return 1
3 | 1 0.000 0| return 0
end if
end proc
| |
a := proc(x)
|Calls Seconds Words|
PROC | 2 0.000 6|
1 | 2 0.000 6| if 1 < x then
2 | 1 0.000 0| return 1
3 | 1 0.000 0| return 0
end if
end proc
| |
| (3) |
a := proc(x)
|Calls Seconds Words|
PROC | 3 0.000 9|
1 | 3 0.000 9| if 1 < x then
2 | 2 0.000 0| return 1
3 | 1 0.000 0| return 0
end if
end proc
| |