PolynomialIdeals[EliminationIdeal] - eliminate variables from an ideal (subring intersection)
Calling Sequence
EliminationIdeal(J, X)
polynomial ideal
set of subring variable names
The EliminationIdeal command eliminates variables from an ideal using a Groebner basis computation. The result of EliminationIdeal(J, X) is the intersection of the ideal J with the subring .
Note: You cannot use the Intersect command to compute this result. For any variables X, the polynomial ring is represented by the ideal , and Intersect(J, <1>) = J.
The EliminationIdeal command can be used to perform nonlinear elimination on a general set of relations. This is demonstrated below.
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| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
In this example, we use EliminationIdeal to derive trigonometric identities algebraically, starting from an ideal of known relations. The trigonometric functions are enclosed in backquotes to prevent Maple from recognizing them.


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| (10) |
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