LODEstruct - data structure to represent an ODE
LODEstruct is a data structure to represent an ordinary differential equation. It is created by Slode[DEdetermine].
The entries of an LODEstruct are a set of equations, representing the differential equation, and a set of function names, representing the dependent variables.
The data structure has an attribute table with the following entries:
L - the differential operator in diff notation
rhs - the right hand side of the equation
fun - the name of the dependent variable, for example
var - the name of the independent variable, for example
linear - if L is a linear differential operator and otherwise
coeffs - an Array of coefficients of L
polycfs - if all coefficients are polynomial and otherwise
d_max - the maximum degree of polynomial coefficients
mvar - the name of the independent variable,
index - the name of the summation index,
point - the expansion point , possibly
initial - an Array of initial series coefficients
H - the expression
P_n - either or
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![TABLE([polycfs = true, rhs = 0, ord = 1, L = (diff(y(x), x))*(x-1)-y(x), coeffs = Array(0 .. 1, {0 = -1, 1 = x-1}, datatype = anything, storage = rectangular, order = Fortran_order), linear = true, d_max = 1, var = x, fun = y])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7347/file02772/math167.png)
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![TABLE([polycfs = true, rhs = RHSstruct(x^3+2*(Sum(x^n/(n-3), n = 4 .. infinity)), x), ord = 1, L = (diff(y(x), x))*(x-1)-y(x), coeffs = Array(0 .. 1, {0 = -1, 1 = x-1}, datatype = anything, storage = rectangular, order = Fortran_order), linear = true, d_max = 1, var = x, fun = y])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7347/file02772/math188.png)
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![TABLE([P_n = x^n, initial = Array(0 .. 3, {3 = 1}, datatype = anything, storage = sparse, order = Fortran_order), mvar = x, index = n, point = 0, M = 3, H = 2/(n-3)])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7347/file02772/math195.png)
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