Statistics[ErrorPlot] - generate error plots
Calling Sequence
ErrorPlot(X, options, plotoptions)
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of colors, markers, xcoords, xerrors, or yerrors; specify options for generating the error plot
options to be passed to the plots[display] command
The ErrorPlot command plots points and absolute (horizontal or vertical) errors.
The first parameter X is data sample where each value corresponds to the y-coordinate to be plotted. The corresponding x-coordinates for data, unless specified as an option (see below), will be 1, 2, 3, etc.
The options argument can contain one or more of the options shown below. All unrecognized options will be passed to the plots[display] command. See plot[options] for details.
color=name, list, or range
This option specifies colors for the individual data sets. When a list of colors is given, each of the lines will be colored with the corresponding color in the list. If a range of colors is given, the colors will be generated by selecting an appropriate number of equally-spaced points in the corresponding hue range.
This option specifies whether the original data points should appear on the plot. The default value is true.
xcoords=default or list
This option specifies the x-coordinates of the data errors. By default, the x-coordinates of the errors are 1, 2, 3, etc.
xerrors=Vector or [Vector, Vector]
This options specifies errors along the x-axis. The array of errors must have the same number of elements. To specify right errors and left errors separately, use the list of two vectors.
yerrors=Vector or [Vector, Vector]
Similar to the xerrors option above.
This is the command to create the plot from the Plotting Guide using the data above.