Transitive Groups Naming Scheme
This page briefly describes some of the notations introduced in the paper "On Transitive Permutation Groups" by J.H. Conway, A. Hulpke, and J. McKay, LMS J. Comput. Math. 1 (1998), 1-8. These notations are reminiscent of the notations used in "The Atlas of Finite Groups" by J.H. Conway, R.T. Curtis, S.P. Norton, R.A. Parker, and R.A. Wilson.
These notations are used by the galois function.
Capital letters denote families of groups:
A : Alternating
F : Frobenius
E : Elementary
S : Symmetric
AL : Affine linear
C : Cyclic
M : Mathieu
D : Dihedral
Q_8 : Quaternionic group
An integer n stands for a cyclic group with n elements.
Let and be groups. Then
specifies that the group is a split extension.
denotes a direct product where the action is the natural action on the Cartesian product of the sets.
denotes a wreath product.
Lower case letters are used to distinguish different groups arising from the same general construction. See the paper by Conway, Hulpke, and McKay for more information.