linalg[row] - extract row(s) of a matrix as vector(s)
linalg[col] - extract column(s) of a matrix as vectors(s)
Calling Sequence
row(A, i)
row(A, i..k)
col(A, i)
col(A, i..k)
i, k
positive integers
The function col(A, i) (row(A, i)) extracts the ith column (row) of the matrix A. The result is returned as a vector.
More generally, col(A, i.. k) (row(A, i.. k)) extracts a sequence of columns (rows) i..k of the matrix A. The result is returned as a sequence of vectors.
These functions are part of the linalg package, and so can be used in the form row(..) only after performing the command with(linalg) or with(linalg,row). These functions can always be accessed in the long form linalg[row](..).