LargeExpressions[Veil] - hide a complicated expression
LargeExpressions[Unveil] - show a hidden complicated expression
Calling Sequence
Veil[K]( complicated_expression )
Unveil[K]( expressions_with_Ks, n )
unassigned name to use as a label
expression that has been veiled
positive integer representing the level of unveiling, or infinity, meaning all levels
During a long calculation, it is sometimes useful to explicitly control Maple evaluation of expressions by hiding their values under user-defined labels. This allows compact representation of the results as a computation sequence, generated from the natural hierarchy of the problem.
The Veil command is used to hide information, Unveil to reveal the hidden information. Both commands take an index that specifies the label to use; multiple labels can be present in an expression and manipulated independently. If no label is specified, is used.
You can use these commands as a functional argument to collect, replacing complicated coefficients in a sum of terms by simple labels.
The protected variable LastUsed contains a table of indices pointing to the last used label index in each variable.
Treat a polynomial in as a polynomial in with hidden coefficients depending on .

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| (2) |
| (3) |
Create another sequence using different labels. Note that the table of last used indices is keyed by the label name (in this case C).
| (4) |
![CS := [C[1] = 10*x+23-98*z, C[2] = 40*x-10*z^2+7*x*z+61*z+4*x^2+8, C[3] = 23*x-83*x^2*z-29*z^3+95*z^2-50*x*z+87*x^3+11*z-10*x^2-49+42*x*z^2, C[4] = 40*z^3-92*x*z^2-47*z^4+75*x*z^3+6*x*z+91*z-56*x^3*z+68+22*x^4+62*x^2*z^2-81*z^2+74*x+80*x^2-82*x^2*z, C[5] = -1-44*x+44*x^2*z^3-95*z+10*z^5+51*z^3-77*z^2+73*x^3+55*x^4*z+7*x^5+75*x^2+62*x^3*z^2-31*z^4+17*x^2*z+94*x^4-87*x*z-71*x^2*z^2-72*x*z^4-37*x*z^3+23*x*z^2-97*x^3*z]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9252/file02016/math147.png)
| (5) |
C(1) = 10 * x + 23 - 98 * z
C(2) = 40 * x - 10 * z ** 2 + 7 * x * z + 61 * z + 4 * x ** 2 + 8
C(3) = 23 * x - 83 * x ** 2 * z - 29 * z ** 3 + 95 * z ** 2 - 50 *
# x * z + 87 * x ** 3 + 11 * z - 10 * x ** 2 - 49 + 42 * x * z ** 2
C(4) = 40 * z ** 3 - 92 * x * z ** 2 - 47 * z ** 4 + 75 * x * z **
# 3 + 6 * x * z + 91 * z - 56 * x ** 3 * z + 68 + 22 * x ** 4 + 62
#* x ** 2 * z ** 2 - 81 * z ** 2 + 74 * x + 80 * x ** 2 - 82 * x **
# 2 * z
C(5) = -1 - 44 * x + 44 * x ** 2 * z ** 3 - 95 * z + 10 * z ** 5 +
# 51 * z ** 3 - 77 * z ** 2 + 73 * x ** 3 + 55 * x ** 4 * z + 7 * x
# ** 5 + 75 * x ** 2 + 62 * x ** 3 * z ** 2 - 31 * z ** 4 + 17 * x
#** 2 * z + 94 * x ** 4 - 87 * x * z - 71 * x ** 2 * z ** 2 - 72 *
#x * z ** 4 - 37 * x * z ** 3 + 23 * x * z ** 2 - 97 * x ** 3 * z
| |
The following Frobenius series solution to a differential equation has complicated coefficients, which obscure the structure of the solution.
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| (7) |
| (8) |
![L[1] = _C1*(4096-12288*a+14080*a^2+2016*a^4-7680*a^3-224*a^5+7*a^6), L[2] = _C1*(-512+1280*a-1152*a^2-70*a^4+448*a^3+3*a^5), L[3] = _C2*a*(-1024+1232*a^3-2816*a^2-220*a^4+11*a^5+2816*a), L[4] = _C1*(256-512*a+336*a^2-80*a^3+5*a^4), L[5] = _C2*a*(256+432*a^2-120*a^3+9*a^4-576*a), L[6] = _C1*(-16+24*a-10*a^2+a^3), L[7] = _C2*a*(-56*a^2+7*a^3-64+112*a), L[8] = _C1*(16-16*a+3*a^2), L[9] = _C2*a*(-20*a+5*a^2+16), L[10] = _C1*(a-2), L[11] = _C2*a*(-4+3*a), L[12] = _C2*a](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9252/file02016/math204.png)
| (9) |
Example based on content provided in Chapter 2 of Essential Maple 7.
Corless, Robert M. Essential Maple 7. Springer-Verlag.