Physics[Expand] - expand noncommutative products over sums
Calling Sequence
The Expand command expands powers and distributes products over sums, where the products can be expressed with the * and ^ operators in the Physics package, or with the commutative (:-*, :-^) or inert (%*, %^) versions of them. Expand also expands the Commutator and AntiCommutator functions of the Physics package. The products resulting from the expansion of commutators, anticommutators, powers, and distribution of products over sums are all returned normalized.
After the Physics package has been loaded, the functionality provided by Expand is also automatically provided through the standard expand command. However expand additionally expands mathematical functions, something that Expand does not do.

| (1) |
| (2) |
For illustration purposes, first set and as prefixes to identify anticommutative variables and functions, and to identify noncommutative ones (see Setup for details).
| (3) |
Consider now the noncommutative product between anticommutative objects and related sums.
| (4) |
You can get the expanded form of this product using expand or Expand:
| (5) |
Note that in the expanded representation, all * products are distributed. This is a more complicated example, involving anticommutative and noncommutative objects.
| (6) |
| (7) |
Now you can use the usual Maple commands to manipulate this expression. For example, note the existence of common factors entering the commutative products of this expression; you can take advantage of them to simplify it.
| (8) |
To additionally expand also the mathematical functions, use expand instead of Expand; compare for instance these two results:
| (9) |
| (10) |

| (11) |