Student[VectorCalculus][Binormal] - compute a Vector in the direction of the binormal vector to a curve in R^3
Calling Sequence
Binormal(C, t, options)
free or position Vector; specify the components of the curve in R^3
(optional) name; specify the parameter of the curve
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of output, curveoptions, normalized, range, vectoroptions, vectors, or view
The Binormal(C, t) calling sequence computes a Vector in the direction of the binormal vector to a curve in R^3.
Note: This vector is not normalized by default, so it is a scalar multiple of the unit binormal vector to the curve C. Therefore, by default, the result is generally different from the output of TNBFrame(C, t, binormal=true). If either normalized=true or normalized is given in options, however, the resulting vector will be normalized.
The curve C must have exactly three components, that is, the curve that the Vector represents is in R^3.
If t is not specified, the command tries to determine a suitable variable name by using the components of C. To do this, it checks all of the indeterminates of type name in the components of C and removes the ones that are determined to be constants.
If the resulting set has a single entry, that entry is the variable name. If it has more than one entry, an error is raised.
The options arguments primarily control plot options.
output = value, plot, or animation
This option controls the return value of the command.
* output = value returns the value of the binormal. Plot options are ignored if output = value. This is the default value.
* output = plot returns a plot of the space curve and the binormal vectors. The number of binormal vectors is specified by the vectors option.
* output = animation returns an animation of the space curve and the binormal vectors. The number of binormal vectors is specified by the vectors option.
A list of plot options for plotting the space curve. For more information on plotting options, see plot/options. The default value is [].
Either true or false. Specifies whether the binormal vector is to be normalized. The default value is false.
range = realcons..realcons
The range of the independent variable. The default value is 0..5.
A list of plot options for plotting the binormal vectors. For more information on plotting options, see plot/options. The default value is [].
Specifies how many binormal vectors are to be plotted or animated. The default value is 5.
view = [realcons..realcons, realcons..realcons, realcons..realcons]
The default caption is constructed from the parameters and the command options. caption = "" disables the default caption. For more information about specifying a caption , see plot/typesetting.
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![Binormal(`<,>`(cos(t), sin(t), t), t, output = plot, range = 0 .. 7, vectors = 15, vectoroptions = [color = red], curveoptions = [color = green], scaling = constrained)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=4438/file05140/math283.png)
![Binormal(`<,>`(cos(t), sin(t), t), t, output = animation, range = 0 .. 7, vectors = 50, vectoroptions = [color = red], curveoptions = [color = green], scaling = constrained)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=4438/file05140/math292.png)
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See Also
assuming, plot3d/options, realcons, Student[VectorCalculus], Student[VectorCalculus][Curvature], Student[VectorCalculus][GetCoordinates], Student[VectorCalculus][PrincipalNormal], Student[VectorCalculus][RadiusOfCurvature], Student[VectorCalculus][SetCoordinates], Student[VectorCalculus][SpaceCurve], Student[VectorCalculus][SpaceCurveTutor], Student[VectorCalculus][TangentVector], Student[VectorCalculus][TNBFrame], Student[VectorCalculus][Torsion], Student[VectorCalculus][Vector], VectorCalculus, VectorCalculus[Binormal]