algcurves[monodromy] - Compute the monodromy of an algebraic curve
Calling Sequence
monodromy(f, x, y, opt)
irreducible polynomial in x and y
optional arguments
This procedure computes the monodromy of a Riemann surface represented as a plane algebraic curve; that is, as a polynomial f in two variables x and y. The Riemann surface is the covering surface for y as an N-valued function of x, where is the degree of covering. Curves with singularities are allowed as input.
The output is a list containing the following:
A value for x for which y takes N different values, so that is not a branchpoint nor a singularity.
It can take some time for this procedure to finish. To have monodromy print information about the status of the computation while it is working, give the variable infolevel[algcurves] an integer value > 1.
If the optional argument showpaths is given, then a plot is generated displaying the paths used for the analytic continuation. If the optional argument group is given, then the output is the monodromy group G, the permutation group generated by the . This group G is the Galois group of f as a polynomial over . G is a subgroup of galois(f,y), which is the Galois group of f over Q(x).
![[-1., [-1., .500000000000000-.866025403784439*I, .500000000000000+.866025403784439*I], [[0., [[1, 2, 3]]], [infinity, [[1, 3, 2]]]]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7332/file03498/math210.png)
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Note: G is not transitive, which means that f is reducible.
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