surd - non-principal root function
Calling Sequence
surd(x, n)
any algebraic expression
any algebraic expression, understood to be an integer
For a complex number x and integer n, surd(x, n) computes the nth root of x whose (complex) argument is closest to that of x. Ties are broken in such a way that the function x -> surd(x,n) is continuous in a counter-clockwise manner onto its branch cuts (that is, continuous in the direction of increasing complex argument).
In particular, if n is odd then if x>=0 then surd(x,n) = x^(1/n) and if x<0 then surd(x,n) = -(-x)^(1/n).
Examples Using surd
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
Maple simplifies the expression before converting. Constants will still be written with fractional exponents.
convert((9*x)^(1/3), surd);
| (8) |
convert(3^(1/3)*x^(1/2)*a^b+f((-2)^(1/5)*x^(1/n)), surd);
| (9) |
int(surd(x^2,3)*(3*x^3-2*x^2+x-1), x=-2..2);
| (10) |
Note the differences among the outputs of the surd, ^, and root commands.
(8)^(1/3); root(8, 3); surd(8, 3);
| (11) |
(8.0)^(1/3); root(8.0, 3); surd(8.0, 3);
| (12) |
(-8)^(1/3); root(-8, 3); surd(-8, 3);
| (13) |
(-8.0)^(1/3); root(-8.0, 3); surd(-8.0, 3);
| (14) |