eliminate - eliminate some variables from a set or list of equations
Calling Sequence
eliminate (eqnset, varset)
set or list of equations
variable, or set or list of variables to eliminate from the equations
eliminate eliminates the given variables from a set or list of equations.
The result of this elimination is an expression sequence of lists. Each list represents a possible elimination of the given variables.
The first component of each solution is a set of equations, where the left-hand side of these equations is a variable (one of the variables in varset) and the right-hand side is its corresponding value. The second component of each solution is the set of remaining equations once the varset have been eliminated.
Eliminate the variable x from a list of equations.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
Eliminate the variables x and y from a list of equations.
| (4) |